Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My First Pelvic Exam

Well, if the title wasn't enough of a warning I'll be a bit more clear here.  This post is about a pelvic exam. One I happened to experience.

My wife, Carol, was pregnant with our first child. We'd gone to see the doctor for a pre-natal visit and when my Carol’s name was called I went back with her. I'm a liberated, supportive man, and I needed to know what was going on.

We sat down for a few moments and talked. The doctor eventually asked Carol to lie back on the table and put her feet in the stirrups.

I wasn't worried. Nothing was going to happen yet. I hadn't been excused from the room.

The doctor drew the curtain around the three of us. I thought, "Oh my god! He's forgotten I'm here."

He lifted the gown and took a peek under the hood. He then turned to me and said, very casually, "Mr. Pompatus. Come take a look at this."

<em>He had not forgotten I was in the room after all.</em>

In keeping with the most-of-the-time-mostly-family-orientedness of this blog I won't go into too many details. Let me just say that an extra long Q-Tip (with a wooden shaft) and some poking was involved. Also some agreeable "mmmhhmm" 's on my part.

I seemed to be the only one in the room that thought this was out of the ordinary.

Guys, can you imagine going to the doctor and having him yell out into the waiting room, "Mrs. Smith! We're going to check your husband's prostate now. Could you step back to the examination room. We've got a glove in the freezer for you."

It just wouldn't happen.

Not without some sort of admission fee anyway.


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