Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Fresh Start

Hello Blog Readers and Welcome to Bad Tea – a blog that has very little to do with tea. Well, it’s nothing to do with tea really. The name primarily has to do with already owning the domain and it being short and easy to remember. (And typealbe using just the left hand… so long as you don’t count the .com part.)

While I’m certainly not the best writer in the world, I do like to write. I like to draw too, but I’m shit when it comes to sketching, sculpting, clay molding, or any of those other things people have to do to be considered artists.

Sure, I could weld together one of those oddball-looking things that you’ll sometimes see in town squares that some people call art. You know what I’m talking about. That item that doesn’t look like anything at all that your tax dollars were used to buy (to the tune of $10,000 or more) that sits doing nothing while the park next to it falls into disrepair. I think I could make one of those. But paint a bowl of fruit… sketch a nude gal in repose… sculpt a smaller version of The Thinker… I’ve not got a chance of doing any of those.

But I can write. Not well maybe, but I know a lot of words and I type pretty fast. That’s got to count for something.

Anyway, I had another blog that I used to tell a lot about my life. As my children got older it occurred to me that perhaps I’d told too much. Not that I cared a lot about what my neighbors or blog friends thought, I just didn’t want to have a conversation, one day, where a child felt compelled to say, “Well, you got arrested when you were in college!” So, I decided to move a lot of stuff here.

This way I get to feel creative, my mother doesn’t get embarrassed, and my kids won’t be able to use anything I’ve done as an excuse for anything they do.


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